Chapter 24 – Embrace

May 29, 2011

Shannon watched as the one-time flowers were now fluttering around her in an ocean of butterflies. There standing in front of her with a silver beard, deep blue eyes and a smile that would wake the morning, was the Song. Underneath the rags He was wearing, was a splendid blue robe with gold trim. Shannon gasped with delight and then ran to his open arms. He picked her up and swung her around. His presence was like a breeze on a warm summer day.

“Hello deary,” the song croaked in the voice of the old man.

“You tricked me!” squeeled Shannon with a twinkle in her eyes.

“I told you that you never know what form I’ll take,” laughed the song with a voice full of time.

“Do you have  a form that is the actual you?” inquired Shannon.

“I do have one form, though those who have seen it, have all described it differently.

“Huh?” Shannon mumbled.

“All my forms show a piece of me and none have shown all of me. Imagine having an empty glass. Then imagine filling it with water from an ocean. There is still immeasurable amounts of water in the ocean that won’t fit in the glass. That’s kind of how it is when you see me. Imagine you being the glass and me being the ocean of water. Each time you see me it’s like I fill your glass, yet there is still much of me to see.”

“Can I see all of you now?” asked Shannon with longing.

“Not now my love, it would be like trying to squeeze the depths of the entire ocean into that one single glass. The glass would shatter.” Replied the Song.

“Oh,” said Shannon a little scared.

“No worries, I would never fill your glass with more than it could handle. But one day I will give you a bigger glass.” Smiled the song with longing in his eyes as well.

“Come, Shannon, let run!” blurted the Song.

With that He took Shannon’s hand and off they ran through the field of wild flowers and butterflies. Everywhere a tapestry of butterflies was whirling around them, as they ran and leapt and played. With each flower that had become a butterfly a few minutes later a new bud would form and blossom and then it too would mature into another butterfly. You should have seen all the colors of butterflies. There was no color left out. Some were even magical and left a sparkling trail of light. Some had wings that looked made of glass and shimmered like diamonds. One even had wings of fire. Most were the normal kind and intoxicatingly beautiful. There was also a few that changed color every few seconds. One minute they looked like a spicebush swallowtail and the next a monarch.  You should have seen the size of the golden yellow and ebony black butterflies that originated from the massive sunflowers, Butterflies the size of basketballs.

Now that the song had revealed Himself to Shannon again, the air was filled with the aroma of his melody, sweet intoxicating, inviting and unforgettable. Butterflies brushed Shannon’s face in a shower of fluttering wings. The Song chased Shannon round the field and through the sunflowers. Each time he caught her they would fall down in a tickle war, which much to Shannon’s surprise and delight the Song was extremely ticklish. Of course He soon discovered her secret tickle spot, her belly. Then they would get up and run again feeling the wind’s kiss upon their faces.

After Shannon and the song got through with a particular bout of wrestling, They both lay down in the lush wildflowers and gazed up at the clear blue sky. Shannon lay with her head on his outstretched arm nestled up beside him. Shannon felt that no safer place existed than the song’s embrace. They lay there and watched the clouds roll by and seeing what shapes they could find. Shannon found a dragon and a fish which she insisted was a piranha, while the song pointed out a castle and a great bird.

“Where do you live Song?” asked Shannon.

“I am from the land beyond and my home is with my father, Musik.” Replied the Song.

“ Is it far from here?” asked Shannon.

“Well, that’s a difficult answer. To some who don’t know me it is very far indeed. It’s unreachable using their own means. To others who know me and have known me it’s always very close.”

“Can I come some day. I would love to be with you forever.” Shannon asked dreamily.

“Of course! That’s the plan. All those in tune with me will live with me one day! The land beyond is a most glorious place. The air, and everything really, is without pollution. Everything is rich and full there. Sorrow, sickness, and death are not allowed there. They couldn’t come if they wanted to. Everything is as it should be there, wildly safe, furiously serene. Comfort and adventure are always at your fingertips. Once there, love itself flows through your veins. Not some kind of wishy washy wimpy thing that some describe as love, but the real thing, fiery, undiluted and wildly free. It’s a world without limits and possibilities, one rich with deep and ancient magic. It’s a world that cannot fully dawn upon your heart until you experience it personally, and yet in other ways it’s always in the heart of those caught up with me. You just  can’t fully describe it or get your hands on it…yet.”

“It’s hard to believe there is a place more beautiful than Manora.” Said Shannon.

“The land beyond  compared to Manora would be as pure diamonds, and sea breezes, and the sweetest fruits, and the most fun and loving relationship compared to dirt.” Exclaimed the Song with echoes of sheer joy.

“I can’t wait to see it!” exclaimed Shannon.

“I can’t wait to show it to you, but for now I think… that… you can’t catch me!” said the Song as he jumped up and ran away.

“Hey!” Shannon shouted with a smile, “What happened to giving a heads up?”

Shannon raced behind the song as he dashed through the field and off into the nearby woods. As he entered the woods his robes shrunk down to swimming trunks and as Shannon followed, her clothes shrunk down to a swim suit. A stream was flowing within a few yards of the wood line and the song dive bombed into in. Shannon leapt into the stream after him. They swam and splashed each other and laughed. The water felt so cool and refreshing rushing against her skin.

Then the song splashed Shannon and this time it felt heavy. When she wiped her eyes she noticed that they were not in the wood by the field of wildflowers anymore. Great solitary mountains were dotted all around among a sea of green. They apparently were on one of those mountains looking out over many others. Instead of a simple running stream a great waterfall crashed behind her. They were back in the enchanted wood where her adventure had began.

After seeing the surprise on Shannon’s face the song began laughing. Shannon dunked him and then climbed out of the water. The Song resurfaced and climbed up as well.

“What is this place, anyway?” asked Shannon.

“This place is Eatha (EE-tha). It’s simply magical.

“Is this Manora, too? Asked Shannon.

“No, this is it’s own world. This part of Eatha is called Roash (Row-Ash). Roash is a land of gateways. As you already know the waterfalls here take you to different locations in Manora. The necklace you wore contains mists of some of the waterfalls here. So when you put the necklace on, the mists take you to their home. “ said the Song.

“What would have happened if I had walked backwards from the waterfall I first appeared in?” asked Shannon.

“Good question. All the waterfalls whose mist the sapphire contains can summon you when you place the necklace on. That’s why you started near the waterfall, but if you had walked backwards you would’ve came to a different place in Manora just like all the gateways hidden behind the waterfalls. You just happened to appear between the waterfall and the portal this time. Next time you might appear straight in a waterfall or in the pool in front of it.” Answered the Song.

“So how am I going to get home? I don’t have to have the necklace.  It didn’t come with me.” Asked shannon

“No, the necklace is still hanging in time in midair where you were when you touched the sapphire. The way to get back to the sapphire is to stand in any of the waterfalls whose mist is contained in the gem.” Said the Song.

            “How many waterfall’s mists are there in .the sapphire?” asked Shannon.


            “So next time I come here I could come through any of those fifteen waterfalls?” inquired Shannon.

            “Pretty much, although three of the fifteen are unlikely. Because those three waterfalls are special.” Said the Song.

            “What’s special about them?” asked Shannon.

            “Well…those are the only three waterfalls, that aren’t in Roash?”

            “Where do they take you? Is it to some other land in Eatha?” asked Shannon with excitement.

            “That will have to remain a secret…for now.” Said the Song with a smile and a wink.

            “But…but…” stammered Shannon.

            “Well, while, ‘but…but…’ is a very good reason for me telling you a secret of the ages now, I’m afraid I’ll still have to refrain. “ said the Song.

            “But what will I do if I end up in one of those places?” asked Shannon.

            “Well the adventure will present itself, my curious one. Speaking of adventures, your grandmother said that you would be on this adventure until Adventure releases you… I release you. “

With that the Song bent down and hugged Shannon. Warmth spread through her entire body like warm water flowing over you when you shower. Shannon felt laughter and love echo through her being. When she opened her eyes the Song was gone and she was standing in front of the waterfall from where she had entered Roash of Eatha.

            A tinge of sadness eked into her heart because the Song was gone. Whenever she was with Him she felt truly at home. It was like all the best and brightest moments of her life was but a smile compared to unending happiness and delight. It wasn’t that the Song’s presence dimished all those good moments but actually enriched them by comparison.

            She looked at the waterfall. Then the thought of her grandmother, and mom and dad…and Cory flooded in on her and she plunged into the waterfall.


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